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Where to find Thalgo?
Treatments Body treatments Massages Relaxing Massage With Warm Sand Pouches
Timing 1 hour
Where can I have this treatment?
This traditional Polynesian-inspired massage invites you to enjoy a special, highly sensory moment. In a few seconds, all of the senses are engaged by the smooth and enchanting notes of frangipani blossom, the sound of the surf, and the gentle rocking of the body in time with the waves. Slow and powerful manoeuvres performed by the hands, forearms and pouches of hot sand provide a feeling of relaxation and total escape.
Also available as a complete Ritual: Polynesia Spa Ritual.
For all those who are stressed and in need of a break from the everyday.
• Sensory getaway • Pure relaxation
Islands Luscious Cream
Moisturises - Fragrances
$ 72.00
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Relaxing Massage Oil
$ 69.00