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Where to find Thalgo?
Body Marine Slimming Défi Légèreté Frigi-Thalgo Light Legs Treatment
Timing 45 minutes
Where can I have this treatment?
A cryotherapy treatment wrap that treats feelings of discomfort and tiredness in the legs. The effectiveness of this treatment's algal complex, enriched with menthol and camphor, is widely approved. Painful feelings of tiredness in the legs fade away, creating a streamlined figure.
For tired, "heavy" legs
• Eased, refreshed and toned legs
Frigimince Spray
$ 71.00
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Gel for Feather-Light Legs
Relaxes - Refreshes
$ 59.00
Stomach & Waist Sculptor
Refines - Resculpts - Reshapes
$ 77.00
High Performance Firming Cream
Reshapes - Resculpts
$ 91.00
Stretch Mark Cream
Strengthens - Prevents
$ 46.00