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Where to find Thalgo?
Body Marine Essentials 3 Algae Facial
Timing 1 hour
Where can I have this treatment?
Experience true marine beauty with this signature algae facial, suitable for all skin types. Following the Discovery of the Sea welcome massage, unique brush cleanse and exfoliation, a mask of pure natural seaweed is applied to remineralise and revitalise the skin. Thalgo’s Heart of the Ocean massage recreates the rhythmic motions of the sea to relax and relieve tension, and an application of serum and moisturiser tailored to your skin type leave your complexion soft, radiant and beautiful.
All skin types
The skin will appear healthy and purified, leaving the complexion free from excess oil.
Exfoliating Marine Soap
Cleanses - Exfoliates
$ 24.00
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Revitalising Marine Shower Gel
Cleanses - Revitalises
$ 29.00
Revitalising Marine Scrub
Exfoliates - Revitalises
$ 55.00
Micronised Marine Algae
Remineralising - Revitalising
$ 66.00